The advantages of Marbleunlimited are: manufacturer, natural stone cutter (from the block stage) and direct importer, advantages that allow us an unmatched quality / price ratio for the competition.
Silver Tumbled Travertine French Pattern
These stones are intended for use in all interior residential applications, including countertops, patio areas, and flooring. These stones are also appropriate for many commercial applications such as light traffic interior flooring and exterior and interior vertical applications.
Some Medium and Heavy Duty stones cannot be used in exterior applications in areas that experience freeze/thaw conditions. Some Medium Duty stones may be subject to scratching or etching when used as countertops.
Light, Medium and Heavy Traffic refer to pedestrian traffic only. If the stone is to be installed in an area with vehicular traffic, please contact a sales representative to inquire about thickness and installation requirements.
Background color has some variation and slightly more pronounced veining.
Natural stones are products of nature, and no two pieces are exactly alike. These codes are intended as a general guide to how much variation in color, movement, and veining can be expected. All natural stones have unique natural variations and inclusions that are impossible to show in a photograph or sample. For this reason, all stone should be unpacked and inspected prior to installation, as Marble unlimited cannot accept claims for variation in any stone after install.
Silver Tumbled Travertine French Pattern must be sealed periodically as a normal maintenance routine if used in wet areas.
These materials may contain areas of open or dry seams that can appear dull in reflective light. This is not a defect, but rather an inherent characteristic of the stone.
White thin-set or mortar is required. This is the case for all limestone, tumbled stones, “antiqued stones” and light color marbles.
Ivory Tumbled Travertine Tiles 10×10 may be characterized by dry seams, pits, and fossils. In polished and honed stones, these areas are often filled at the factory. In rustic or tumbled stones, as well as with some honed limestone, these are often filled with grout during installation. Whether filled at the factory or during installation, the fill can work its way out of the voids. In these instances, it may be necessary to refill these voids as part of a normal maintenance routine.